Post Nº3 - Pets
Good day everyone! Today I'll like to talk about pets, one pet in specific, my most beloved dog his name was Blade, he was a German Shepard that my family and I get when I was 9 years old, he give us fourteen beautiful years of unconditional company and love. He wasn't our first pet but was the first one on being with us more than a couple of years. He was one of the most important parts of my life because me being an introvert person and just having a few friends he made me company almost every day, he was 24/7 for me to play with, I even told him my personal problems... obviusly I didn't expect him to reply me but it was nice to have someone to talk to when ever I need it the most. I had a few diferent kinds of pet including a few dogs, up to 40 gerbils!, one river turtle and three cats. Nowdays I have a beautiful kitty named ''Freya'', like the nordic goddess of hunt, and a German Shepar puppy called ''Leia'' like que princes from Star War...