
Post Nº4 - Facing Problems - Climate Change

Hi everyone, today I'll like to talk about something that I personaly think should be relevant for all the people... climate change. So for the people that didn't know, climate change isn't something new our planet has been getting warmer and warmer from ceturies ago, the only difference is that more reciently has been warming up pretty fast which is causing the melting of the ice caps, rising the water level , etc... and guess what, it's our fault, we haven't being the most responsables environmently speaking, regardless I don't think that our planet is over, we have the capacity and the inteligence to chance our behaviour and save our dear planet, I'm not saying that it will be fast but it's possible. How? Well... we need to change how we get electricity to more renewable souces like solar energy or wind power. What can I do to hepl? we as an individual can help using less energy, the simple fact of unplug your electronic divices when not using them, t...

Post Nº3 - Pets

Good day everyone! Today I'll like to talk about pets, one pet in specific, my most beloved dog his name was Blade, he was a German Shepard that my family and I get when I was 9 years old, he give us fourteen beautiful years of unconditional company and love. He wasn't our first pet but was the first one on being with us more than a couple of years. He was one of the most important parts of my life because me being an introvert person and just having a few friends he made me company almost every day, he was 24/7 for me to play with, I even told him my personal problems... obviusly I didn't expect him to reply me but it was nice to have someone to talk to when ever I need it the most. I had a few diferent kinds of pet including a few dogs, up to 40 gerbils!, one river turtle and three cats. Nowdays I have a beautiful kitty named ''Freya'', like the nordic goddess of hunt, and a German Shepar puppy called ''Leia'' like que princes from Star War...

Post Number 1 - Dream Travel

Since I was little I always enjoyed learning about the Middle Ages, knowing more about their culture, mythology and wars thrilled me. So if I had to choose where to travel I probably will go to UK, France, Germany and the middle east, so I could go look some castles, maybe go to a medieval fair and of course keep learning about the culture and people that lived back then. If I had the oportunity to go live on Europe I'll choose England, mainly because the high quality of life the people has there and because I can, somewhat, understand english, also because England is one of the countries with more green areas and that I love, theres nothing more pleasing to me that a walk on a park, go fishing or maybe go camping for a night or two.